Our criteria
In a global context, Switzerland is an insignificant soya producer and consumer. Nevertheless, Switzerland is considered a pioneer for more sustainable soya production. Swiss players such as Coop and WWF were the first to recognise the problems of the global soy boom and took action. Together, they launched the so-called 'Basel Criteria' for sustainable soya cultivation in 2004.
In the core values, the Swiss Soya Network sets out its requirements for the cultivation and procurement of responsible feed soya.
Soya certified in accordance with Bio Suisse guidelines, Pro Terra Standard, RTRS Non GM Standard, CSA-GTP, Donau Soja Standard, Europa Soja Standard, ISCC PLUS Non-GMO and CSQA DTP 112 is currently decisive for the achievement of the network's objectives. These are currently the leading standards of the soya network. Through the controls, the standards ensure compliance with the law. What these standards have in common is that they guarantee the most environmentally and socially responsible soya production possible.
Soya procurers, traders and feed manufacturers who offer responsible soya in accordance with the guiding standards are awarded network status. The network status is awarded as part of the soya network's control concept (in German).