Soya procurers, traders and feed manufacturers who offer responsible soya in accordance with the guiding standards are awarded network status. Network status is awarded within the framework of the Soya Network's control concept (in German). Companies with network status may or may not be members of the organisation at the same time.

Standards and certifications ensure sustainability

Even though Switzerland is of little relevance in global soy production and trade, Swiss protagonists played an important role in the development of standards for responsible soy production. The Soy Network Switzerland today holds the function of a role model in disseminating these standards.

The current core standards in detail:

  • RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production und RTRS Chain of Custody Standard (Non GM Modul). The Round Table on Sustainable Soy Association (RTRS) is an association based in Zurich with an office in Buenos Aires.
  • The Danube Soya Standard defines the basic principles and requirements of the Danube Soya program. The Danube Soya program has been established to promote the cultivation, processing and marketing of GM-free, origin -conrolled quality soya from the Danube Region. 
  • Since October 2015 the Europe Soya Standard exists. It additionally allows the certification of soya in the whole Europe Region.
  • International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) offers solutions for the implementation and certification of sustainable, deforestation-free and traceable supply chains. ISCC PLUS is a certification system for all markets and sectors not regulated by the RED or FQD, such as the food, feed or energy markets and for diverse industrial applications.

  • CSQA DTP 112 is the standard for sustainable cereals and oilseeds in Italy and guarantees GMO-free and traceability in addition to ecological and social criteria.  

Feed mills with network status


As part of the control concept, the procurers work with the following control centres:

bio inspecta

Mabesa GmbH 

ProCert AG


Swiss Safety Center AG


2023, the Swiss meat, dairy and egg industries sourced over 95% of their feed soy from Europe. Of the total 220’000 tonnes of imported feed soy, around 180’000 tonnes were imported from Germany and Italy and thus from ADM Straubing and Cereal Docks.

The most important suppliers at a glance:

ADM Straubing has focussed on GMO-free and certified feed soy due to demand from Switzerland. As ADM Straubing sources feed soy from around 12 countries, there is a great deal of flexibility. ADM Straubing is part of the American Archer Daniels Midland Group (turnover 2022: 101.6 billion euros). ADM Straubing started producing biodiesel from rapeseed in 2008. In 2016, it started with 100’000 tonnes of soy (with fenaco as a customer). Today, around 300-350’000 tonnes of beans are processed, over 80% of which are ISCC PLUS certified. Switzerland purchased around 60’000 tonnes of this in 2023.

Cereal Docks is an Italian industrial group operating in the first processing stage of the agri-food industry, producing ingredients such as flour, oils and lecithins derived from oilseeds (soy, sunflower and rapeseed) and cereals (maize, wheat, barley) for applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, pet food, technical and energy sectors. With six production sites, a headquarters, four logistics centres and a quality and innovation centre, Cereal Docks processes more than 3 million tonnes of cereals and oilseeds every year, thanks to the involvement of more than 17,000 farms from Italian and international supply chains. In 2021, Cereal Docks was transformed into a non-profit company in order to pursue charitable purposes in addition to generating profits. More information can also be found in the company video.